BA Math with Mrs. Gallippi

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Tuesday 31 October 2017


This unit introduces methods for analysing relationships between variables.
Videos are listed below by topic.
Click on "comments" to post or respond to a question.
Happy studying!

2.1 Hypotheses and Sources of Data
Video 1: Constructing a Hypothesis
Video 2: Primary and Secondary Sources of Data

2.2 Sampling Principles
Video 1: Simple Random Sampling
Video 2: Systematic Sampling
Video 3: Stratified Random Sampling

2.3 Use Scatter Plots to Analyse Data
Video: Scatter Plots

2.4 Trends, Interpolation and Extrapolation
Video: Interpolation/Extrapolation

2.5 Linear and Non-Linear Relations
Video: Linear & Non-Linear Relations

2.6 Distance-Time Graphs
Video: Distance-Time Graph

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