BA Math with Mrs. Gallippi

Stay up to date with our Gr. 9 Academic/AP math class. You can find assigned homework, assessment dates, online resources and more on Mrs. Gallippi's Gr. 9 Academic/AP math BLOG.

Thursday 4 January 2018


9.2 - Perimeter and Area Relationships of a Rectangle
9.3 - Minimize the Surface Area of a Square-Based Prism
  • The minimum surface area of a square-based prism occurs when the prism is a CUBE.
  • Volume of a Cube 
9.4 - Maximize the Volume of a Square-Based Prism
9.5 - Maximize the Volume of a Cylinder
  • Maximum vlume of a cylinder occurs when the cylinder has dimensions close to a cube, meaning the height equals the diameter.
  • Surface Area of a Cylinder
9.6 - Minimize the Surface Area of a Cylinder
  • Minimum surface area of a cylinder occurs when the cylinder has dimensions close to a cube, meaning the height equals the diameter.
  • Volume of a Cylinder


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