BA Math with Mrs. Gallippi

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Tuesday 21 November 2017


This unit is about the properties (graphs, equations, etc.) of lines and the slope of a line.

Videos are listed below by topic.
Click on "comments" to post or respond to a question.
Happy studying!

5.1 Direct Variation
Video - Direct Variation
Video - Constant of Variation
Video - Word Problem

5.2 Partial Variation
Video - Partial Variation
Video - Word Problem

5.3 Slope
Video - Slope of a Line Segment 1
Video - Slope of a Line Segment 2

5.4 Slope as a Rate of Change
Video - Rates of Change
Video - Slope and Rate of Change

5.5 First Differences
Video - First Differences

5.6 Connecting Variation, Slope and First Differences
Video - All Together

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