BA Math with Mrs. Gallippi

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Monday 4 December 2017


This unit is about the interpreting and determining the equations of lines (linear relations).
Videos are listed below by topic.
Click on "comments" to post or respond to a question.
Happy studying!

6.1 Equation of a Line in Slope y-intercept Form (y=mx+b)
Video - Slope Recap
Video - Graphing using slope y-intercept form

6.2 Equation of a Line in Standard Form (Ax + By + C = 0)
Video - Converting Forms
Video - Converting Forms (2)

6.3 Graphing Lines Using x and y Intercepts
Video - Graphing using intercepts
6.4 Parallel and Perpendicular Lines
Video - Slopes of parallel and perpendicular lines

6.5 Find the Equation of a Line Given Slope and a Point
Video - Finding Equations
Video - Equations using parallel and perpendicular lines

6.6 Find the Equation of a Line Given Two Points
Video - Equations using two points

6.7 Linear Systems
Video - Solve linear systems by graphing
Video 1- Solve linear systems by substitution (AP)
Video 2- Solve linear systems by substitution (AP)

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